Joint Research Funds
UC researchers can submit
proposals for funding to support
binational research in response to
joint calls organized by Alianza MX
and Mexican partner institutions.
Collaborative research projects
must include at least 2 principal
investigators (PIs) from the UC and
projects are funded for two years.
Strategic Research Projects
UC researchers can submit a
research proposal for up to 24
months of seed funding support
from Alianza MX. Projects must include
collaborators from multiple UC
campuses and at least one partner
institution in Mexico, as well as a
plan for engaging non-academic
Latino Studies Projects
UC researchers can submit a
research proposal for up to 24
months of seed funding support
from Alianza MX. Projects must
connect with Latino, Hispanic, or
Chicano communities in California.
Collaborators from multiple UC
campuses and Mexican partner
institutions are not required.