They are years of work and coordination to get Tesla to reach Mexico with an investment of 5 billion dollars to install an electric car plant. The headquarters will finally be in Santa Catarina, Nuevo León.
Mexico has just presented a "road map" to boost the production and sale of electric vehicles. One of the axes that various governments -including Mexico's main trading partner, the United States- are promoting to reduce their emissions.
The rector of the University of California Merced (UC Merced), Dr. Juan Sánchez Muñoz, and the interim rector of the Universidad de las Américas Puebla (UDLAP), Dr. Cecilia Anaya Berríos, met to sign a memorandum of understanding that seeks promote student exchange and academic mobility between both institutions.
En un contexto de polarización política, desigualdad social y un creciente cuestionamiento a la ciencia, las universidades son actores fundamentales para construir un diálogo propositivo. Article by Isabel Studer in
This is Antonio Villaraigosa, who from 2005 to 2013 was the first Mexican-American mayor of Los Angeles (California, United States) since 1873 and convinced that both countries should collaborate more and not lose opportunities.
In an interview with Enrique Muñoz MonitorEsMultimedia, the undersecretary Martha Delgado, talks about the important investment agreement in Mexico by the Tesla company, after Investor Day 2023 took place.
Faced with tensions between different regions of the world and the remnants of interruptions in different supply chains caused by the pandemic, among other reasons, hundreds of transnational companies are seeking to relocate strategic value chains to Mexican territory.
The breakneck transition to zero-emission vehicle adoption is being accompanied by equally accelerating technological disruption.
The effects of climate change on the planet are increasingly worrying and ecosystems and their species suffer increasingly serious consequences.
Dra. Isabel Studer, Director of Alianza MX of the University o California share this topic in an interview with Yuriria Sierra of Imagen Radio
World Environment Center Blog Post by Alianza MX Climate Ambassador Ariadnna García of UC San Diego
Climate justice, adaptation and resilience, as well as intergenerational justice, are at the center of the agenda of COP 27 in Egypt.