CA-MX 2030 Summit

Research and Policy Dialogues on the ZEV Transition

In April 2023, UC Alianza MX hosted the California-Mexico 2030 Summit at Casa de la Universidad de California in Mexico City. As part of this event, members of the Task Force participated as panelists in several sessions on the Binational Transition to Zero Emission Vehicles.

Research: The Transition in Heavy-Duty Vehicles

CA regulations to advance the decarbonization of transport have implications for bilateral trade with MX, particularly using commercial trucks. How can they partner to overcome infrastructure deficits, reduce trade barriers, and promote greater mobility for ZEV in the border region?

Policy Dialogue: Border Infrastructure, Binational Trade and Climate Regulations

The combination of new trade regulations under the USMCA and CA emissions regulations could generate new challenges for the cross-border transport of goods from MX. What steps will be required to facilitate increased trade using ZEV, both at and beyond the border?

Research Topics

Outlook for the ZEV Transition in Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicles

UC Alianza MX Director Isabel Studer served as a panelist in a March 2023 webinar on “Electric Trucks: Progress and Opportunities for Mexico” organized by CALSTART, a clean transportation industry non-profit consortium.

In addition to the overall outlook for the ZEV transition, the working group and UC experts are focused on several specific research topics, including the California-Mexico border region as well as freight movement beyond the border.


Implications for the Border Region

Implications for Commercial Fleets

Working Group Meeting

Research and Policy Dialogues on the ZEV Transition

UC Alianza MX hosted the first heavy-duty vehicle conference as part of the Task Force in October 2022 in Puebla, as part of the annual Expo Transporte event organized by Mexico’s National Association of Bus, Truck and Tractor Producers (ANPACT).