Mexican Wind Energy Association
AMDEE was founded in 2005 with the goal of encouraging the generation and development of Eolic energy in Mexico. The association represents Eolic project developers in view to the authorities, economic sectors, and society. In addition, AMDEE assists the Mexican Eolic industry in the difficult task of consolidation and growth by providing national and international investment opportunities. It also focuses on the creation of value chains for manufacturing and supply of goods and services.
Overall, AMDEE focuses on promoting the development, growth, competition, and social acceptance of the Eolic industry in order to comply with sustainability goals and energy security. While guiding the integration of technological partners, suppliers, creating human capital and promoting associate interaction. Finally, using technical, legal, and financial aspects to contribute to the inclusive and sustainable energy production, applying and demanding the highest ethical principles and respect for human and community rights.
Mexican Association of Solar Energy
Created in 2014, ASOLMEX was created with the purpose of promoting the production of electric energy through photovoltaic solar power generation on a national scale. The association integrates more than a hundred companies related with every step in the value chain for solar power generation, both distribution and large-scale generation.
ASOLMEX is focused on three main activities, representation, promotion, and encouragement of solar energy. They represent their associates before governmental and industrial agencies, social organizations, the media, and national and international audiences. In addition, the promotion of the photovoltaic solar power generation market and energy storage at a national level, and the promotion of alliance formation with public, private, and social sectors to face the challenges and take advantage of the opportunities. Finally, the encouragement to create spaces of dialog, analysis, and agreement that will allow ASOLMEX to identify the collective action that maximize the benefit of the associates.
Centro Mexicano de Derecho Ambiental Mexican Center for Environmental Law
CEMDA is a non-governmental organization seeking no profit, working to defend the environment and natural resources for almost three decades. In Mexico, they are one of the main environmental civil society organizations. The fundamental values of work are strengthening, harmonization, consolidation, and effective compliance of the existent legal-environmental system.
The scope of the organization has been both rural and urban, reaching localities, municipalities, states, regions, and even national and international extent. As a mission, this NGO fights to promote and defend the right for a healthy environment for everyone, with a multidisciplinary and collective focus, protecting society and natural patrimony.
Conservation International
Founded in 1987, Conservation international (CI) has worked to highlight and maintain the critical benefits that nature provides to humanity. With a vision of a healthy world in which societies are committed to caring for nature. This organization combines fieldwork and scientific innovations, policy, and finance to be able to protect the ecosystem and habitats. With their work, CI has helped protect more than 6 million square kilometers of land and sea in more than 70 countries.
Working alongside governments, businesses and communities, CI guides towards smart decisions about the environment, therefore protecting human welfare and heritage. Fighting for the application of sustainable ways of productions and products coming from sustainable sources. Nowadays, there are offices in more than 24 countries and a global network of thousands of partners.
Elemental Excelerator
With an idea for a new model for funding climate tech deployment, Elemental Excelerator was launched in 2009 as a Non-Profit. Their mission is to revolutionize the systems at the root of climate change and realign the economy to uplift the people and planet. Therefore, focusing their work on three main pillars, invest in startup success, partner deeply, and inspire action. Elemental Excelerator works alongside entrepreneurs to break down the barriers to innovation, providing a unique insight into the policy, market and technology required to inspire people and communities around the world. The company has invested in over 130 growth-stage companies, funded more than 100 technology projects, and built a platform for market driven solutions for climate change.
Their support in co-founding and co-designing demonstration projects has been an example of the broad adoption of life sustaining solutions to climate change. It is said humanity has less than 10 years to reverse the effects of climate change, the Non-Profit is optimistic in completing the challenge following a five-year plan focused on technology, climate science, policy, markets, and the community. With this, creating a 100% clean energy system, a regenerative food system, ensuring clean drinking water, clean and equitable transport, and focusing on a circular economy.
Iniciativa Climática de México Climate Initiative Mexico
This Organization is focused on directing funds strategically into studies and analysis of public policy that contribute to the reduction of emissions to minimize climate change. With nationally and internationally collected funds, ICM selects investing priorities, accompanied by strategic planning and consultation from the government and experts on climate change mitigation.
Possessing great influence in the decision-making process on climate change topics over the public and private sector, and socially, ICM pushes for the implantation of ambitious actions to mitigate climate change. With the vision of transforming Mexico into a lider in a global scale and be an example in gas emission and greenhouse effects reduction while promoting low carbon growth.
Mujeres en Energía Renovable México Women in Renewable Energy Mexico
MERM unites professional and expert women in the renewable energy sector with the duty of learning, sharing knowledge and achievements while inciting new ideas and initiatives. Promoting female participation in a sector with majority of male presence through different strategies like program inclusion, courses, workshops, and conferences.
One of the missions of MERM is to create awareness in companies about the importance of the female figure within the directive and management groups. In addition, promoting social, educational, economic, and technological initiatives to achieve emission reduction goals through renewable energy projects, female empowerment, and communities with limited access to energy resources. This organization works to guarantee a responsible use of natural resources to be able to fight against climate change. Finally, MERM produces educational content and a social media network with more than 3,100 members, conformed by students and academics, researchers, companies, public and private institutions.
World Resource Institute MX
Founded in 1982, WRI is a nonprofit multinational organization focused on guiding the planet to a more sustainable pathway. Working alongside government, business, and civil society to implement practical solutions for the improvement of the environment and human life. The center of attention is on four cross-cutting centers: Business, Economics, Equity, and Finance. These centers are applied to face seven urgent challenges: Food, Forests, Water, Ocean, Cities, Energy and Climate. Worldwide, WRI has over 1,200 staff members in 12 international offices working in more than 50 countries.
WRI Mexico follows the mission of the global organization, transforming great ideas into action. Consequently, linking environment conservation, economic opportunities, and human welfare. The team strengthens the program through analysis and design of solutions with the four cross-cutting perspectives. Currently, WRI MX is focused on four of the seven urgent challenges: Forests, Cities, Energy and Climate. Mainly collaborating with WRI offices in the USA, China, India, Brazil, and Indonesia.
Instituto de Energías Renovables UNAM Institute of Renewable Energies
Created in 2013, IER is the main institution in Mexico dedicated to scientific research, innovation, diffusion, and training of specialists in sustainable energy technologies. In addition, IER executes studies, consulting, and training in different sectors of society, offering seminars, master’s degrees, doctorates and more.
One of the objectives of the institute is to structure specialized human resources, this with the purpose of spreading the acquired knowledge for greater benefit of the country.
IER is continuously creating knowledge in the areas of physical mathematics, chemical biology, economics, and engineering for further energy innovation. Investigating new technologies for the creation, transformation, and use of renewable energies, pushing for a shift into sustainable development.
National Solar Energy Association (ANES)
The National Solar Energy Association (ANES),is a Mexican non-profit civil association, whose statutory objectives are: “To provide a forum for the discussion of ideas, the comparison or exchange of results and, in general, the dissemination and promotion of the use of Solar Energy in its manifestations of solar radiation and the use of the phenomena that they produce indirectly such as wind energy, biomass, hydraulics». Likewise, “it will seek to influence in a firm and defined way the State agencies that make up the country’s energy policy with solid technical and scientific arguments and with a clear awareness of the importance and role that the different forms of solar energy must have. in the future development of Mexico. ANES also belongs to the International Solar Energy Society of which it is the Mexican section.
World Enviornment Center
WEC is a global non-profit, non-advocacy organization that advances sustainable development through the business practices of member companies and in partnership with governments, multi-lateral organizations, non-governmental organizations, and other stakeholders. They focus on thought leadership, capacity building and honoring business excellence, currently working on decarbonizing value chains, delivering clean energy, advancing climate justice, promoting nature-positive business, scaling regenerative agriculture and improving ESG disclosure.