Aanvi Jhaveri
University of California, San Diego
Aanvi recently graduated from UC San Diego with a degree in Political Science and a minor in Urban Studies and Planning. She has experience advocating for climate legislation in California and has been able to learn about political issues and potential solutions to climate change challenges. Her main interests are focused on the consequences of climate change for underserved populations as well as the rise of climate refugees around the world.
Alfonso Ramos
Escuela Libre de Derecho, Ciudad de México
Alfonso is a graduate of the Escuela Libre de Derecho, with five years of professional practice in energy and environmental law in different offices; having participated in the analysis and implementation of different oceanic and photovoltaic energy projects, as well as electricity generation from waste.
He is a founding associate and current general coordinator of Alianza Juvenil por la Sostenibiliad, A.C., an organization that aims to be a platform for the development of youth initiatives in the field of environmental protection. Since March 2021, it has supported the creation and activities of the #Jóvenes Por Nuestro Futuro Movement, made up of nearly 30 youth organizations and groups, which seeks to promote the just energy transition, through debate, awareness, participation in public activities and even actions legal, such as the amparo lawsuit filed against the reform of the Electricity Industry Law
Alejandro Sánchez Zavala
El Colegio de México, CDMX
Alejandro is an undergraduate student of Politics and Public Administration at El Colegio de México. He was born and raised in Mexico City. His main interests are mitigation policies, climate governance, and evaluation of climate policies. He is currently working on his thesis focused on the analysis of climate action programs at subnational level in México. As a climate ambassador, he hopes to learn more about different topics, such as: climate change mitigation, environmental technology, circular economies, climate justice, sustainability policies, and urban management of resources. His goal is working in the public sector to help governments to improve their response to climate change through the design of better policies.
Angela Flores
University of California, Merced
Angela (she/her) is a senior Environmental Engineering student focusing her degree on sustainable energy and air pollution. She is a transfer student from Cerritos and Santa Monica College in Los Angeles where she was born and raised and plans to graduate with a Bachelor of Engineering degree in 2023 from the University of California Merced.
Ariadnna Garcia
University of California, San Diego
Ariadnna Garcia is a first-generation Mexican American student currently enrolled at University of California San Diego. She is a 4th-year student double-majoring in Political Science and Psychology as well as minoring in Korean Studies. Through her majors, she has learned about the urgency that is the climate crisis and find herself passionate about the topic. She looks forward to communicating with people from different backgrounds and finding solutions to mitigate the anthropogenic effects of climate change
Bernardo Luis Mc Kelligan
El Colegio de México, CDMX
Bernardo is an undergraduate student of Politics and Public Administration at El Colegio de México and an environmentalism advocate. He has had leading roles in national environmentalist campaigns concerning open-pit mining and plastic pollution. Professionally he has worked as a research intern at El Colegio de México and as an administrative assistant of Cinema Planeta’s environmental film festival. He is part of international organizations such as the Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives (GAIA) and the Break Free From Plastic movement, and of national ones such as #CambiémoslaYa and 11ynosvamos.
Cassandra Uribe López
El Colegio de México, CDMX
Cassandra is an undergraduate student of Politics and Public Administration at El Colegio de México. She is deeply interested in studying issues related with climate change and its intersection with social justice. As Climate Ambassador she hopes to contribute to the production of knowledge and to the development of strategic actions to address these problems and, at the same time, promote an agenda that has climate justice at the center of its action.
Cristian Aram Flores Negrete
El Colegio de México, CDMX
Aram is a master’s degree student in Political Science at El Colegio de México. He is an economist who graduated from the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana in Mexico City and has specialized in international trade negotiations. Before starting his graduate studies, he worked as a Strategic Planning & Public Affairs consultant (2018–2021) for Nestlé Corporation in Mexico & South America. His current research interests include topics of international relations and climate change.
Diego Armando Rodríguez Hdz
El Colegio de México, CDMX
Formerly a Landscape Architecture student, Diego became more aware of the importance of political coordination, consensus, and rightful implementation of scientific-based policy for achieving a more friendly future. Therefore, he started studying Politics and Public Policy at El Colegio de México where he currently is an undergraduate student. Along with some friends, they have started the student environmentalist collective where he has been participating ever since.
Emilia Hall Fernández
Universidad Anáhuac Norte
Emilia is studying for a bachelor’s degree in Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development from the University of Anahuac Norte. Throughout her life and studies, she has been involved in several projects, activities, and experiences, from artistic, sports, and social, such as competitions, soccer tournaments, United Nations models, volunteering, among other things. A couple of years ago she discovered that what she is most passionate about is the environment and social related causes.
Gabriel Lopez
University of California, Merced
Gabriel Lopez is a fifth-year student at UC Merced where he is majoring in Philosophy and studied Management as well. Some of his involvement with UC Merced initiatives include taking part in a leadership program developed as a class for Merced County high school students, developing and presenting a recyclables reverse vending machines proposal for UC Merced, having the honor of participating in the interview process to fill vice chancellor positions, and joining a group lunch with UC Regent John Perez. Outside of UC Merced, he works for Calpac Group, a family-owned bi-national corporation that operates in the logistics and waste management industries of Southern California and Baja California, Mexico. He manages Calpac Recycling and its operations. Due to his background and environment growing up, he developed an affinity for sustainability and the commercial infrastructure necessary to process and divert commercial, residential, and industrial residues or byproducts.
Gabriela Zapata Caballero
University of Marista, Mérida
Gabriela Zapata is pursuing a degree on Administration of Natural Resources from the University of Marista, Mérida. She has taken on several courses, the latest being Nature-based Solutions for Disaster and Climate Resilience developed by experts from the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and the Partnership for Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction (PEDRR). She is currently working on a research article focused on generating a Green Economy Index for México, constructed under the relativization function which estimated at a national, state, and geographic region levels.
Her focus is to generate impact and changes in the environment, especially on topics of interest like the conservation of the environment, regenerative agriculture, climate change mitigation and social justice issues.
Hanna Velez
University of California, San Diego
Iyari Balderas Cruz
Universidad Iberoamericana, CDMX
Iyari Balderas Cruz is currently in the 7th semester of a degree in Environmental Sustainability at IBERO CDMX. He works on making public policies and sustainable projects with a structural-systemic approach and actions from youth and civil society, in collaboration with the private and government sectors in different parts of the country to improve people’s quality of life; taking account; the environment, the climate crisis, the economy, public safety, human health, culture, gender, energy, indigenous communities, and social justice.
As well as traveling the country, from the ejidos, indigenous communities, rural and urban areas to learn about their problems.
He is now the Coordinator of the Volum Chiapas youth group, a part of the Climate Change Youth Division, the Leñateros Workshop, Cambio Colectivo Mx, REACCIONA and Artemisa Initiative.
Jessica Pérez Novelo
Universidad Marista, Mérida
Jessica is a third-semester student studying for a bachelor’s degree in Administration of Natural Resources at the University Marista of Mérida. She is currently twenty years old and has worked regularly in a Kumon center as a math, English and reading teacher. In her spare time, she is also a private math tutor and participates in volunteering. She has also worked in the United States as a counselor in a summer camp. One of her main interests is education in general, environmental education and restoration projects.
Juan Manuel Aguirre Luna
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Juan Manuel Aguirre Luna completed his high school studies at the College of Sciences and Humanities, Campus Azcapotzalco of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Subsequently, studied Political Science and Public Administration at the UNAM Faculty of Political and Social Sciences. He is currently undergoing his social service in the UNAM Climate Change Research Program. He topics of interest are focused on: climate policy, public policies for mitigation and adaptation to climate change, monitoring and evaluation of public policies, decision making around climate change.
Kali Krishnan
University of California, Riverside
Kali graduated with a B.S. in Applied Mathematics in Environmental Science and a minor in Public Policy from UC Riverside this past spring, having gained a valuable background in both the sciences and policies related to climate change. She is inspired by what nature has to offer and by our ever-changing world and wishes to partake in alleviating some of the stressors man-made climate change has placed on both our environment and the living beings inhabiting it.
She is interested in entering the career field of science-based policy to create environmental change on a statewide to an international level and is very excited to be given the opportunity to participate in and broaden her view of climate action through this program!
Laila García
El Colegio de México, CDMX
Laila is pursuing her undergraduate degree in International Relations at El Colegio de México. Throughout her studies, she has prioritized research on environmental issues and their relationship with social sciences. She co-founded the first environmentalist student group of the institution, a space dedicated to the research and discussion of political ecology. Her main interests are the study of climate governance, climate justice, and forestry. Other than school, she enjoys cooking, horseback riding and spending time with her dog.
Maria Cortes
University of California, Merced
Maria is an upcoming fourth-year student studying Environmental Systems Science at the University of California, Merced. She is currently an intern for the Office of Sustainability and CITRIS and the Banatao Institute working with faculty members/staff and researchers to inform about sustainable practices. Thus, as a CITRIS intern she works on research related to atmospheric chemistry.
In the future, she plans to become an environmental scientist, climate scientist, or air quality researcher. Her focus is on reducing environmental issues and working towards tackling climate change in the Central Valley. Also, she will be pursuing graduate school to earn a master’s or Ph.D. degree in the related field. She intends to assist low-income individuals to acquire environmental justice through innovation and sustainable advising.
Maria Fernanda Zuñiga Cabrera
Universidad Anáhuac Norte
Maria is studying for a bachelor’s degree in Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development from the University of Anahuac Norte. She is passionate about the environment and human rights. She has participated on multiple volunteer jobs, as well as various hobbies like swimming, gymnastics, and Hawaiian.
Mariana González Aldrete
University of Marista, Mérida
Mariana has a bachelor’s degree in Natural Resources Administration from the University of Marista, Mérida. She is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Environmental Law, where she is learning to interpret environmental legislation given it relevant in her line of profession. She began working in the public sector, the Secretary of Sustainable Development of the State of Yucatan as soon as she completed her bachelor’s degree.
She likes to be part of projects that work together with communities located in the surroundings of the city and has participated in environmental education and reforestation activities with the civil association called “Kanan Kab A.C.”, as well as with the “Ecological Reserve of Cuxtal” as a community liaison. In the same way, she participated as a volunteer in an environmental education project in the city of Popayán, Colombia.
Natalie Marrewa
University of California, San Diego
Natalie is an undergraduate student at the University of California, San Diego pursuing a major in Political Science- Public Policy and a minor in Climate Change Studies. She discovered a passion for Environmental Science and Climate Change solutions after taking an Oceanography class at UCSD in her first year. In her free time, she likes to read, play with her dogs, go for runs, and cook for friends and family. She is excited to participate in the launch group for this program, and looking forward to contributing to creating solutions to climate change that can be facilitated to the public!
Ricardo Hernandez
University of California, San Diego
Ricardo Hernandez is a first-generation student attending UC San Diego majoring in Microbiology. He is also currently pursuing a double major in Public Law in hopes of getting a better grasp on how to effectively implement change through political institutions. During his free time, he enjoys creating a dialogue with fellow like-minded peers on various issues circling the news and bouncing ideas on either solutions or explanations of the mechanisms that led to the problem at hand. He absolutely loves to learn a new skill whenever possible whether it’s something active like roller skating or something more mellow like crocheting. His goal for this binational program is to learn as much as he can from diverse perspectives on how to tackle climate change. Most importantly he wished to contribute to the foundation of this program for future generations to share their views and solutions.
Rogelio Barrios Rosas
Programa de Investigación en Cambio Climático, UNAM
Rogelio Barrios Rosas is a young Mexican who since 2018 has been dedicated to climate activism and for the sustainability from the perspective of youth and reduction of inequalities in Mexico. He has a degree in biomedical physics by the Faculty of Sciences of the UNAM.
From civil society and universities, he has worked to promote empowerment and training for climate activism from youth in Mexico, interorganizational teamwork and interdisciplinary, collaboration with agents of the academia, government and international entities for decision-making processes and the creation of solutions to the climate emergency, also from the application of science and technology. He is currently president of REACCIONA Climate Action Network A.C., he is also founder of the Student Collective Project EcoCiencias, and founder and member of the Youth Division of Change Climate.
Rubén Darío Martínez Ramírez
Programa de Investigación en Cambio Climático, UNAM
Rubén Darío has a degree in Communication Sciences from the UAM and a bachelor’s degree in philosophy from the UNAM and has been collaborating with the UNAM Climate Change Research Program since 2018, mainly in linking with young people, in citizen participation processes, as well as in disseminating the subject. Has been part of working groups such as gender and climate change, climate science and access to youth and children. As of 2019, started coordinating the University Network on Climate Change; and since 2021 became a member of the Founding Committee of the Climate Action Network-REACCIONA as well as co-founder of the self-managed group Tranzenir for queer and subversive studies.
Focusing his line of research on the study of queer theories and philosophy of the 20th and 21st centuries; in addition to issues related to climate change and ecology. Rubén has participated in different congresses, colloquiums and talks addressing various topics; as well as having published various articles in peer-reviewed and popular magazines related to these topics.
Sofía Itzel Texcahua Torres
Programa de Investigación en Cambio Climático, UNAM
Sofía Texcahua is an undergraduate of International Relations from El Colegio de México. Due to her current research on environmental policy and electric cars in China, Sofia has a keen interest in environmental issues, particularly the overexploitation of natural resources, mitigation and adaptation efforts, and adoption of green technologies. As a Climate Ambassador, she hopes to motivate individual and collective actions to prevent further environmental degradation.
Teresa de León Escobedo
El Colegio de México, CDMX
Teresa completed her undergraduate studies in Political Science at UNAM, where she carried out an academic exchange at the Moscow-Lomonosov State University. Subsequently, supported by a Chevening Scholarship, she pursued her master’s degree in Environment, Development and Policy at the University of Sussex. She is currently a doctoral student in Geography at UNAM, where she investigates the processes of production, appropriation, and use of local information on climate change to guide anticipatory policies for this phenomenon.
Her professional and academic interests have allowed her to have experience collaborating on energy and climate policy projects, water management in the Metropolitan Zone of the Valley of Mexico, and comprehensive management of municipal solid waste in Mexico City. Her academic training has allowed her to become aware of other disciplines and other academic contexts.
Yazmin Franco
University of California, San Diego
Yazmin is pursuing a Master of International Affairs with a specialization in Latin America at UC San Diego’s School of Global Policy and Strategy (GPS). She has worked for the California State Assembly, has interned with local politicians in Riverside County, and currently assists immigrants with their immigration processes as an immigration writer.
As an advocate for undocumented and DACA students, she has fought for increased resources, awareness, and financial aid for this group of students. As a student with disabilities, she is working with GPS on initiatives to help other students with disabilities and create an inclusive campus culture. Her career goal is becoming a public policy analyst focusing on immigration, disability rights, and climate justice. She is thrilled to continue advancing social justice as a Climate Ambassador and looks forward to being a voice for marginalized communities as Alianza MX helps shape the California-Mexico climate strategy.