Launch of UC
- UCR asked to serve as lead campus
- Binational conference held, with representation from all 10 UC campuses and academic and government institutions in Mexico
- Provost Dorr visit to MX City
- President Napolitano to visit MX City; participates at signing of FOBESII
- First systemwide MOUs signed : SENER, UNAM
- SENER workshop at LBNL
- CONACULTA workshops at UCLA and UCR
- Proposal for funding and working group structure developed
- Priorities established in areas of arts and culture, educati on, energy, environment, health, and academic mobility
- Release of Working Groups' work plans (goals, objectives and activities)
- High level advisory group convened by President Napolitano
- Development of Strategic Framework
- Creation of database of UC expertise related to Mexico
- Launch of SENER CONACYT LBNL postdoctoral program
First Water
Energy Nexus
- Binational Health Week
- Binational Health Forum on Migration and Global Health, UCB & UCSF
- Proyecto 100,000 students study at UCD, UCR, UCSD Extension offices
- Launch of annual Systemwide tracking of UC MX mobility
- UC LAUSD University of Guadalajara summer pilot launch of Proyecto SOL 2.0
- Release of Migration and Health Report
- Shared Pasts, Shared Futures: a binational works hop regarding the Missions of the Californias
- Release of the Pacto de Pasadena (California Missions)
- California State Senate Hearing: Energy
- Students We Share conference (Education)
- Indigenous Language conference, Oaxaca
- Climate change: Its Binational Impl ications workshop, Casa de CA
- Launch of MSRIP Mexico
- UCD Energy Graduate Group established
- UC and MX mobility workshop at UCI
- Signing of MOU s with ANUIES and Ministry of Culture
- UNAM Rector Graue visit to UCB; reaffirmation of UC UNAM commitments
- UCSD launches Center for Resilient Materials
- Mexico California Energy Efficiency Workshop
- Technical Workshop on Clean Energy Across the Border
- UC, CICESE, UABC workshop: Coastal ecosystem and climate change
- Mexico Senate amends its General Law of Education
- President Napolitano visit to Mexico City
- 1st Binational Health Forum
- UCI launch of ACED (graduate)
- UCI launch of Mexico Graduate Engineering Program
- California State Senate Hearing: Energy
- Creation of UC Mexico Initiative's Leadership Council
- Publication of Mexico Initiative white papers on eScholarship
- SENER CONACYT Call for Proposals : 5 UC sub awards
- UC VC for Research meeting, MX City
- Launch of on line certificate program in health management
- UC Humanities Research Institute focuses AY 2017 program on Mexico
- UC & Tec de Monterrey Forum: Future of NAFTA and the State of U.S. Mexico Relations
- 2nd Binational Health Forum, Mexico City
- Launch of online certificate program on regulatory health sciences
- Release of limited Call for Concept Plans : 3 awards (($185K
- Opportunity Funds initiated : 3 awards
- Release of Call for UC UNAM COMEXUS energy fellows
- Signing of UC CDE SEP MOU
- California State Senate Hearing: Students We Share (education)
- UCSD & UABC undergrads provide education mapping results to CA and MX legislators
- Launch of the Bilateral Higher Education Task Force
- UC and MX mobility workshop at UCSD
- Bridges in Time of Walls: Mexican/Chicano Art from Los Angeles to Mexico City
- UCSD & COMEXUS Visiting Scholar
- Book Rerelease of “Authenticity in the Americas”